In-person appointments in Newtown on Fridays

From the 8th January 2021, you can book to see me in Newtown on Fridays.

I will be working from a tranquil room, in a beautiful old building in the back streets of Newtown. It’s near Wilson Street and Macdonaldtown Station, and easy to get to from King Street too.

I’m so pleased to be able to welcome you to a private and comfortable space for in-person sessions in the Inner West.

Online appointments on Wednesdays and Saturdays

One of the surprise highlights for me out of 2020 has been finding ease and enjoyment in online bodywork.

Over the Covid Months, I have held more online sessions than ever, for individuals, couples, pairs and groups.

And – I have met practitioners from all over the world; connecting for learning, teaching, exchanging, and refreshing our own embodiment practices.

An online session can take many forms: a dedicated time to talk about sex, bodies, relating.  A place to try out new things, explore and experiment. Time to practice or to plan activities to try outside of the session.

If this piques your interest, you can book an online session with me on a Wednesday or Saturday.

…..If you are new to Abundant Body, or haven’t been for a while, you can book an introductory call first, before booking a full appointment…..

Going South in 2021

This week is my last seeing clients at Tempe, and it’s two weeks til moving day. First, a temporary stay in the Blue Mountains before a longterm move south in mid-January.

Port Kembla. Big skies, the sea, lake and escarpment.

Wodi Wodi country, part of the Dharawal Nation.

I will open Abundant Body in PK in 2021, as well as continuing in Sydney. Plus, revive plans for running workshops in various parts of NSW, and beyond.

For now, it’s time to pack one box at a time, with a heart full of optimism and a head full of wonderful plans.

Wishing you many pleasures.